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Friday, December 31, 2010
Dear emoboi_1995@hotmail.com,

From what i have seen, you can change your email to happyboi_1995@hotmail.com already. HAHAHA. Okay, first things first. hahaha, you seem happier la kay, which is a good thing. secondly, its hard to believe that you can be so funny, retarded and amusing LOL!! Seriously k. lastly, PLEASE DO ME A FAVOUR by giving longer replies or i'll just have a harder time replying you because one word stuff makes my fingers freeze . Thanks alot and i hope to keep in contact with you in future. Seeya!!!

from:Hatsune Miku(NOT HAHAHA)

it's 9:17 PM now

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bleh. Hello blog.
Cmon maine you gotta move on, staying still at the same spot for a year wont help. oops. its almost two years. and almost 3 years from that incident.
i try so hard to forgive and forget. but it seems i can only forgive but not forget.
Oh wait, do i have the right to forgive? because to others it was my fault, well, it always is lol.
well. whatever. GOTTA MOVE ON!
Colder and colder by the year hmm. perhaps thats just the way it is.
after all what i am protecting is but my sanity hmm.
i might just be the worst person on earth, well, i dont really know.
i cant seem to trust people anymore, i mean, i've got enough of all the crap lol.
Gotta say this. recently i've felt like ending my useless life. but i think back about those happy stuff. the thought gets out of my head .
btw. to a certain somebody of which people might just not know of:
lol, i went to console you and all but im not that much different, so i guess i dont have the right to.. sorry . haha.
Argh, later ppl ask me why my blog so emo one. but its nt like i want to be emo LOL.
and... i guess im just thinking alot haha.
seriously i just wish, just for once, let my birthday wish come true haha..
though its probably impossible. anyway. goanna change the music on my blog!! so stay tuned yo!

it's 9:07 PM now

Monday, December 13, 2010
Birthdays SUCK. k bye.

it's 2:26 AM now

Saturday, December 4, 2010
just back from chalet ytd :D.
chalet was... hmm. well. kinda fun. lol.
Day 1:30th November 2010
, met @ buzz @ ... 12! then we went to have lunch and then procceeded to the chalet to check in!!!
after checking in, weiqing and fattrui went to collect weiqing's birthday cake i think, then reena came with bubble tea for us.

hahah! she treat us leh!! so good (: then, reena, me and kean stayed at the chalet until we almost died of boredom .
calvin went for practice also. haha.so we slack around until they come back. first day nothing much uhh. septimo and dequan came also i think, YEP they did.
then only calvin,kean,weiqing,septimo,dequan,fattrui and me stay for that night!!.
reena went home to prepare birthday cards.

oh yea, then we went bowling, lent both pairs of my socks to weiqing and septimo ! and, omg i suck at bowling seriously LOL. keep guttering.
oh and HAHAH i was the first to wish weiqing happy birthday!!! like, exactly at 12.am on his watch! HAAHHA.after that then we went back to chalet and played games until 4.30 am
Day 2:1st December 2010(WEIQING'S BIRTHDAY).
Okay, we wanted to wake up @ 5.30 and go and watch the sunrise.
but then... i tell you. WE FAILSILE LOL!!.
we woke up @ 6.10 liddat then we go to pasir ris park to see, which, of course failed. LOL. waking weiqing up may be my greatest challenge in life. LOL JOKING HAHAHA. but seriously, waking him up was DIFFICULT. i say, DIFFICULT. fattrui too. DIFFICULT. LOL.
okay, then, we go the park right, the sun rised totally on the right side, but we were, well, in the middle and we couldnt see the sunrise due to buildings covering it. LOL.
argh whatever, everybody who was tired decided to just go back to the chalet and sleep.

of which they did so.
So. they went to sleep lor.
HAHAH. even calvin who didnt sleep the previous night! only me, fattrui and dequan still awake, the rest asleep while i wake them up one by one to go bath lol.
after me i tried waking calvin @ 8 , which was the timing he gave me, but he said he wanted to sleep, so off to septimo!
wake her up and she asked me to wake others first. but weiqing and kean told me to wake them up @ 8.30. so yea. bored until 8.30.
woke weiqing and kean up, weiqing wanted to sleep so kean went to bath. aft kean bathed, tried waking septimo up to bath again, and so she did later.
weiqing and calvin FTW. so, later, weiqing's and calvin's phones rang, i answered.
told them where isit. then me and kean go the entrance there meet them, i think got wengliang, jun xiong, sholihin,bryan ya. SHOULD BE.
after they arrived @ the chalet, they well, made so much noise until weiqing and calvin woke up. LOL. and i think, when weiqing and calvin sleep, they look like kids. which is kinda, cute LOL!. hahaha.
okay, then suddenly, the whole chalet group got 3 groups, the poker card group, the beachers and the mahjong group lol.
oh, not forgetting the sleeping group which consists of, weiqing, and only weiqing. LOL.
mahjong group keep playing mahjong downstairs, then poker group changed from monopoly deal to poker to idk what.
lol. then the beach team went to the beach to.. OPEN COCONUTS?! LOL. and well, some of them got quite wet lol.
then aft that, shared secrets with i think, 3 people in the room upstairs. who are:weiqing,sholihin,junxiong. HAHAHA.
we shared alotof stupid secrets like ___ or _____. NO IM NOT TELLING :D. YOU CAN TRY BUT I'LL NEVER SAY MANZ. HAHAHA.
later, derek came up to borrow coins to use the dryer for his shirt which got mud-ified. after i lent him he joined our conversation i think haha.
then we talk talk. lol. and well. of course many secrets were exchanged in progress :D. luckily they never ask some questions.
if not i gg. haha!!! anyway, weiqing fell asleep halfway. LOL. weiqing FTW. as pro as always. LOL.
then share finish, sholihin, junxiong and derek left to dry the shirt at the dryers/washers. and they came back with a packet of marshmallows, but it was devoured by the mostly 2 people who were competing on who can put more in their mouth ==.
HAHAHA. then later i went with them to the dryers, and junxiong and sholihin left halfway to get some mac @ dte. so left me and derek. then we chat lo HAHAHHA. 2ND DAY WAS EPIC. TRUST ME LOL.
i forgot what happened later, but we had bbq and birthday celebration for weiqing, dequan , bryan and me, cause we're there.

refer to my facebook profile pic for evidence :D. LOL. dam enjoyable hahaha. then later, THIS IS RETARDED, but, we went for midnight movie, which was rapunzel 3d.
then, WE BROUGHT OUR PILLOWS AND BLANKETS THERE AHHAHAH! the movie people laugh at us LOL.
just imagine us walking to ehub with pillows and blankets.
and i was wondering if they'll let us in LOL. in the end, for half the movie, i held my pillow and slept.
but whenever there was like a " BANG!" or some loud sound, you'll see me jolting up, LOL. okay, walked back to chalet after that. and i saw, or say, yeowliang saw me, as i walked past his chalet lol. i heard one "chermaine?" then i turned over and saw him LOL.
went back to chalet to put the pillow down and chatted with yeow liang a little, well, until my chaletmates AND his chaletmates saw us.
THEN so paiseh, so well, separated HAHAHA. dont want them to get the wrong ideaz. then, after that, shared secrets again, with the NOW AWAKE weiqing, sholihin and kean, but this time different stuff. haha. then later went to beach.
WITH A PILLOW LOL!!!. retarded. LOL.
slack there and enjoyed the wind until like. 3+ or 4+ im not very sure. went back to chalet and lied on the stairs.
keep waking up cause it was very uncomfortable. and according to... weiqing and calvin, halfway i drop my phone , then i like, sit up and pick up, then when i sit up, they say i look damm white. or say pale LOL.
wah seriously stairs dam hard to sleep, then like, around 5+ i found a tiny spot to sleep on the floor, so i immediately RAN there to sleep, LOL.
after stoning for like, 5 mins HAHHAA. then i lie down, then i noticed movement, so i turn and look, and realised calvin come and share HAHA. but later realised that he didnt notice the pillow got people using.
Day 3: 2nd December 2010
OKAY I REMEMBER LE. most of the day was wasted mahjong-ing and slacking, then 11 of us went to ETP.
bought tickets and went to burger king to eat. after eating, we went to the shelter area where there were carnival games at stupid prices and the difficulty was also stupid lol.
like. dam hard. lol
. and the prizes not even attractive. ;x. weiqing and ginnie was it? or smebody i forgot.
played the shootshoot game, and weiqing won this tiny bear. LOL.
but cute HAHHAA. then, it started to rain really heavily, so we just slack @ the stage and played games and talked. lol.
so, we wasted most of our day. we slacked until like, 6 or 5. then the person come tell us, there would be no refund but got replacement ticket, which we can go on another day.
so we happy then we wanted to go colloseum to L4D2.
but its like, always closed. so, nvm, we go arcade. they daytona-ed while me and calvin bishi-bashi-ed , but later after they saw the bishi bashi they also want to play LOL. (as expected by calvin)
so at night we went arcade again to play AGAIN, but thats after BBQ. then we also took neoprint YEA!!! HAHAHA we played until near 1. P.S. thanks calvin for like, treating us to games manz.
Day 4:3rd December 2010
the night before i slept upstairs, though i wasnt sleepy yet actually, but nothing to do, so i fell asleep.

went downstairs and saw kean, weiqing, calvin and jinjin asleep lol.
they all facing same direction lol. hahaa. okay, then , i woke up at 9.18, then i went to pack a little and prepared to bath. then after bathing i went to pack, which halfway i woke jinjin up i think.
anyway, we woke the rest up @ 9.45 to tell them to pack, cause we gotta check out by 10.30!!!
so we chiongchiong clear stuff and pack.
then the whole group of us(excluding me) sleepyheads left the chalet in silence, cause everybody still sleepy. LOL. except me luh.
i slept for like, 5-6 hours!! LOL. me ftw. LOL. jkjk.
oh yea!! septimo stayed the night too but she left shortly after i woke, cause she had to leave for her job.
she left the bear in front of weiqing then went off.
okay, so the whole bunch of us went to mac for breakfast.
and omg i always eat dam slow.. seriously LOL.
i tried to eat faster but cannot. lol. the whole bunch of us, still sleepyheads. later, kean said he had to leave, so his dad sent fattrui and jinjin home or back to jp too.
so left me, calvin and WEIQING(OOPS TYPO-ED).
We chatted until around 12? then we left for ehub, we went arcad-ing again, and trying out those UFO machines.
but alot fail!! waste my money AND CALVIN'S:( but well, it was kinda fun trying lol.
then after that went to superdog to eat a little, and went back to arcade hoping that one of the machines we can play again.
cause always got alot of people. we stayed at ehub until around 5+ 6+. weiqing got cold so he lent my jacket and wore.
and seriously, my jacket looks better on guys than girls lol. is what i think, kean also borrowed on the 3rd day, and it looks better on guys. lol.
then we took mrt back home.
weiqing immediately fell asleep, then, bun, then me(cause i had nothing to do...) i think my sleeping position on the train most glam. LOL. cause i think i never move as much as them!! then , bun woke up @ around chinese garden and woke weiqing up when reaching lakeside. took my prezzie and bidded them farewell LOL!! ( sounds like we leaving long term uh). and well, since like, no time return me my jacket, i tell him next time return. .
okay well, happy birthday dequan! LOL. okay, today i sleep like a pig. first time man, i sleep like. from 12-12( ? or say 10), then slept again from 5-8. crazy leh me. SHOULDNT SLEEP SO MUCH. NOW STILL SO AWAKE. thats bad. LOL. OKAY. so.
Things i've learnt from chalet:
1: never wake people up too early, they go blur for the whole day.
2:guys sleeping look like kids(HAHAHACUTE)
3:always have an 18 year old adult in your pocket(CRAP)
4:Soft toys rock
5: never buy TOO oversized jackets
6:polaroid rocks
7: birthday celebrations for others rock
8: sleep in a glam position ALWAYS
9: i Love my bed.
10:My jacket and pillows rock.
BYEBI and sorry for the weird colours LOL.

it's 8:46 PM now


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