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Tuesday, May 10, 2011
In the end, isnt everything we do just for the sake of self-satisfaction?
yeah it'll be epic if i add a Discuss. behind. then we can start writing an exposition essay.

it's 10:11 PM now

Monday, May 9, 2011
GANTZ COSPLAY PARTEHHHHHHHHH. LOL( its more of cosplay and band performance)

photos first hehe.

and so this is how the stage looks like.. with well. only 6 cosplayers. all confirmw in smth. LOL
and omg that zexion, his wig abit.. wrong colour.. by quite alot lol.

spot the guy with the coolest pose. WOOHOO.

YES. we taking photo with the standee, but we didnt want to block them so yea. LOL
people must have thought we were HUGE fans of NINO.

Karin stalker smile LOL. and nope she's not a fan. she just thought he's cool LOL
Fun max la.
Karin and I took PURIKURA TOO! and its in a cube shape! CUTE RIGHT. LOL.
KK BB. need to go out tuh collect my matryoshka costume soon..

it's 12:16 PM now

Sunday, May 8, 2011
ATTENDED GANTZ COSPLAY PARTY AND GOT 4 FREE TICKETS YAY! :3 GOANNA WATCH IT TWICE MAN. since i got free tix anyway LOL. YAY <3 IT. KANATA LOOKS SO HOT ON THE BIGBIG BANNER AND POSTER. ~! <3. Got 2 posters too <3 woooyeaaaa. goanna blog about it all tmr!

it's 11:12 PM now

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Omg wth im trying soooo hard to control myself from watching anime.. but seriously cannot control lol... sigh.... GOTTA STUDY FOR CHINESE !!!!!! ...

it's 8:22 PM now

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Oh gosh. The last time i watched anime was Sunday. YES its only 3 days ago. But keeping away from anime is harder than it seems... And i Changed my skin to TSUBASA CHRONICLES !! YAY. i was browsing through skins until i saw this and . Its just too beautiful to not use. LOL. and  when i saw the skin, my love for tsubasa chronicles reawakened. And im DEFINITELY GETTING IT AFTER O'S :3. and many other animes which i still ♥ to the max. Nice anime makes you a fan. Awesome anime creates lasting memories and its something you can never forget. Heres to motivate myself to study more and stop watching anime with the already little time i have everyday. lolol. Tomorrow's the first paper of GE1. English. and im studying for it nowww. How i miss those days where you just have to be in class to get an A.
How i miss those days where you have lots of free time with too much anime to watch. I wanna go back to those days ... sigh. :(

it's 10:10 PM now

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Another rant post~~ LOL but i have no idea if this post is supposed to be called rant.. but.. flumpool's songs are meaningful and beautiful as usual. and thats why i LOVE them so much kyaa. okay its getting late. gotta fin my compre and summary then go zzz. HAVE FUN! :3

it's 10:43 PM now

Monday, April 25, 2011

(my method la ;x)
Items i used :
1:Matte eyeshadow palette
2:Liquid concealer from daiso(rather good coverage @ 2 bucks)
3:make up sponges from daiso(comes in a pack:P)
4: Majorlica Majorca Liquid eyeliner in black
5:Beauty spatula from daiso
6:Pore Putty clear make up base
7:Lip balm( this one's really good, can be bought from watsons @ 5.90SGD, Mojitate smth?)
8:UHU glue stic(not recommended, should get cheaper ones)
9:Candy doll lip concealer(really good , but ex, might want to consider buying other types)
10: Base foundation from daiso in BLUE( brightens your skin tone, worth it!)

Contour palette:
1&4 are two different shades of highlighters
2&5 are 2 different shades of foundation(not really good..)
3&6 are different shades of bronzers( useful )
Concealer brush, good for blending
Angled brush( i think), to draw the eyebrows on.

Step 1: Clean or cleanse your face
Step 2: Apply lotion on your face to keep it moisturised.
Step 3: make up base all over face
Step 4: Conceal eyebrows using this Method
This picture shows the difference in using the method above or by just applying concealer
the eyebrow on the left has been concealed using the method stated above
while the eyebrow on the right has been concealed just by applying concealer
HOWEVER, it'll be difficult to conceal your eyebrows just by applying concealer unless your eyebrows are really thin...
Step 5:apply base foundation evenly on face and neck using make up wedge or sponge
Step 6: apply foundation evenly on face and neck, and blend with the concealed eyebrow.
Step 7:
 DO contouring using a brush
the red area represents the places you should apply bronzer on,
as this helps to make your nose look sharper, face look thinner, and eyes to look more deeply set
the blue area represents the places you should apply highlighter on as it will look higher as compared to the other parts of your face.
Step 8:
apply eyeliner on the upper lid in a straight line as most male characters have straight and sharp eyes,
then apply a thin line on the bottom lid.
Step 9:
(this was done last minute, so there was a colour difference lolol)
Use a colour that matches or is similiar to your wig colour
Use the angled brush to draw the coloured brows in a slightly upward motion, with a sharp end
(yes i know the concealed brow is obvious.. that's because for this one i didnt apply foundation and blend it in)
Step 10:
Apply lip concealer.
the one im using is VERY concentrated so this is how you apply it.
after spreading it evenly with your fingers, use your finger to take some loose powder or foundation and lightly dap on your lips to create this matte finish:
And tadaa you're done . LOL
 Hope this tutorial has helped some of you... though this was done hastily..
I might do a video tutorial in the future :3 thanks for viewing!


it's 8:20 PM now

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Okay, so what/who are trolls? and i shall not actually try to increase to risk of me getting trolled upon, so here's wiki's definition:In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,extraneous,or off-topic messages in an online community,such as an online discussion forum,chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.Now now, do you really agree that trolls are always bad? I don't. well , for me, i don't really chance upon trolls that disrupt on-topic discussion, which only leaves, inflammatory messages. I feel that trolls are not necessarily bad.. because sometimes, there are these noobs that don't actually do some research before posting unnecessary stuff, and well, trolls are the ones that get rid of them.

So, in a good way, they get rid of these nuisances. In a bad way, more than in the good, they hurt these people's feelings.

And so, to the main point, why did i even mention this?

Its because of this. NAH THEY AREN'T TROLLS. they're the ones who are targeted by these trolls.okay, refer to http://forums.sgcafe.com/complaints/93616-please-tone-down-better-stop-free-hugs-bullshit.html .
Invinc: Please Tone Down or Better. STOP the Free Hugs Bullshit?
Invinc :It's getting lame.
Every event we have people running around with a big sign giving away free hugs. Free hugs for the sake of free hugs.
Countless times, it's always the same kind of people doing it, with the same lack of reason or purposeful goodwill.
Please, attention seekers, please stop.
It screams "Attention Seeker".
It's pathetic.
 Context information( before you jump to conclusions..)
This post was posted on sgcafe right after/during sakura fest, and it was posted in the complaints section of sgcafe, so yes, the post itself is not wrong, SINCE its the complaints section.

Okay to clarify, the people in the photo above, are actually my friends, but that doesn't mean i'm doing this to like, stand up for them, its more of like, its plain ridiculous. lack of reason or purposeful goodwill? oh wow you can read minds. quit your job or studies and go be a mind reader , earn big bucks and enjoy life.Hugs= lame? Yeah, people running around with a big sign giving free hugs, doesn't that show goodwill? ( OKAY unless they touch you with the purpose of molesting, then thats another thing), and isn't it  great to know that within people who DO NOT actually even have a teeny bit of goodwill, there are actually some kind souls, who are willing to hug strangers you know.
what caugh my attention the most was.... ATTENTION SEEKERS?Hello? cosplaying itself is attracting attention, quit cosplay then tell me that. so like what? those people with flag day tins trying to collect money or even those people who give out flyers with banners on them= attention seekers=Pathetic?. *as much as YOU aren't willing to hug strangers, most people wouldn't even want to hug a stranger like YOU-*.( especially if you're like some freaky person who really looks like the troll face picture above.). which then brings me to this point. WHY DO YOU EVEN BOTHER POSTING SOMETHING LIKE THIS ON A FORUM? . Yes i'm aware its the complaints section, but ask yourself this question, is it really necessary? Or are you just trying to gain recognition and approval?. With that said, i do know that the society in singapore isn't really that open ( try walking in a bright wig for a day and count how many weird stares you get, you'll understand). and i do know that in these people's opinions, they might think that these people holding these free hugs banners might cause the society to NOT accept cosplay , but then, refer to the above * again... Sigh, which then brings me to this point my friend mentioned. Why do singaporeans complain so much? so like forums are actually encouraging complaints? Different people have different opinions and so these complains would definitely spark into arguments in a matter of time, especially when its on a forum.
And as much as there are people who dislike this, there will be people who like this.
BUT, what that really ticked me off about this isn't about this .
BUT why the person who's actually *shooting* these people is actually their friend.
If you're that unhappy about this free hugs thing, go to their faces, or whatever and tell them directly that you don't really like it, and of course, provide reasonable reasons, and not just something like :" I don't like it because its annoying" YEAH WHY ISIT ANNOYING HUH? and you expect people to understand. and here comes the worst part...
THESE trolls actually post hurtful stuff about the free hugs group, like, really hurtful stuff, on the NET, on FORUMS, yes, for everyoneee to seee and probably approve of.
lets imagine this situation:
-troll at home-.
*with a troll face *: -spam types hurtful stuff on their keyboard to express their unhappiness-
-troll in real life-
*sees their troll targets whom he/she says he/she doesnt like on forums*-says hi with an angelic smile and talks like CLOSE FRIENDS-.
OH MY GOSH. seriously, you're so fake, everybody could see through.
Nownow, i personally think i would be a good troll if i wanted to be one. But nah, i've got no interest in gaining approval of whatever i think/do , and hurting people in the process.
Besides, if i were their friend, i'll tell them the truth, face to face, about how i feel instead of posting in some petty complaints section to gain recognition.
Like, can you imagine what trolling might cause?
It might cause a person to suffer from depression you know, especially when these type of trolling causes many cosplayers to dislike another cosplayer in the ALREADY SMALL cosplay community in Singapore.
And then they can only see that one part of you.
For example, Person Z was flamed on the forums because he and his group made too much noise during an event. the online community contributes to this discussion and concludes that that bunch are just an inconsiderate bunch.So now, the rest of the cosplay community avoids communicating with that bunch, EVEN AFTER THAT BUNCH HAVE realised their mistake and changed, causing these people to either quit cosplay or whatever. basically, the point im trying to make is, opinions cant be changed easily.
You won't like everything everybody does.Not everybody would like everything you do either. So get a life,
stop making other's lives miserable. Treat others the same way you want to be treated, Not everybody is perfect. Just like how one day you might make a mistake and unfortunately, get caught by a troll.

it's 11:56 PM now

Monday, April 11, 2011

HEHE. cos testing as a guy!!. do i look cool? :3.

well. anyway , next time i would be posting about the make up i have used to attain this look~~ :) ~ k until then! goanna nom nom on my dinner :)

it's 7:12 PM now

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Oh gosh i LOVE Daiso, L-O-V-E desu ! its like, omg, hehe., they have packets of mixed sponges and make up wedges!! . LOL. bought 2 packets of make up sponges :3. and of course, dropped by PITB to get my soy tix, another, L-O-V-E point. LOL got this, make up correction pen from daiso too, and wow it definately does work by removing make up, such as, over drawn eyeliner/mascara and lipstick! Awesome MAX! :3 And got the facial foam i used to use which was quite good! :) Its a natural charcoal washing foam, after using it give you that, refreshing and cleaaaan feeling , L-O-V-E. LOL. gosh this post is filled with L-O-V-E. and hehe according to fb me and rinko are married!! ON FB ONLY HEHE. of course i am in no way lesbian and im definately straight since, well, i do have interest in guys, IN CASE YOU DO NOT NOTICE OTL.( I just dont show my interest openly k). (I seem to have an interest in guys with a mysterious aura around them keke:P) But who cares, it'll always be unrequitted. so i told myself to not fall in love. awesome max plan right? HEHE. I mean, if you dont fall in love, you wont get hurt by whatever-crap-that-pops-up-and-goes. What am i saying? oh gosh. Anyway, i L-O-V-E my make up brush set and palettes, L-O-V-E max. I'll post a pic of me with pink eyebrows sometime soon :D HEHE. Gosh, Gotta get these make up stuff soon: Liquid eyeliner Pencil eyeliner(in white) B.B Cream Powder foundation Eye Putti( dont think i can consider this as make up, but whatever LOL) partial eyelash curler( may not need.) Z.A Concealer bah. (may or may not need) gosh, these are going to cost :(. SAVE CHERMAINE,SAVE. K. SAYS TO SELF: YEA I WILL. Doing essays at night sucks. or say, doing essays suck :( How i wish i could go back to sec 1, Sec 4 live's so stress. Teachers nag, Parents nag, everybody also nag. BUT JY MYSELF! LOL Was so touched when sticky's actually sell packets of sweets to help Japan. Of course, was also touched when i see so many people trying to help Japan, i Believe Japan can recover from this and become stronger! I believe. 日本のために祈る。(_ _)

it's 9:03 PM now


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